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Books by Acharya Mahapragya

Every sunrise brings the gift of 24 hours to use as we please. How one uses each of these 24 hours determines how we end up living our life. To help live a life of joy and fulfillment, some priceless books have been written by Acharya Mahapragya, an erudite scholar, thinker and writer. These books bring the gift of accumulated knowledge and wisdom of Acharya Shri Mahapragya, which offer the common man a path of practical and righteous living.

Who am I?

How many of us can be true to ourselves and state that we solemnly undertake to look within themselves at least once in a day. That they ponder upon their acts and reflect on fundamental questions like who am I? where have I come from? Where will I go once I die?

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Why Meditate?

The book in all not only focuses on how to practice mediation, but with scientific connotations, provides a deeper understanding to the reader that how mediation interlinks the body, mind, senses, emotions and the soul, causing the reader to understand that how even the most basic of acts done by them in the day have an impact on their mind...

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Unveil Your Greatness

Greatness is not a destination; it is continuous process that never ends. Acharya Mahapragyaji through this book conveys that each person has the potential to be great, but they may need to work to uncover that potential and develop their abilities.

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Non-violence and Peace

Acharya Mahapragyaji through this book explained how non-violence and peace are interrelated with other aspects in life to be precise each aspect in life. Nonviolence and truth are two concepts that are often closely associated with one another.

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New Man New World

This Book is one the best combination covering Spiritual Science, Management, Life and Control and actually gives the Road Map to your past and future. Knowing your past is as important as understanding the future as past does have influence on future. Once cannot ignore past as past is lessons and future shall be teachings for further ages to comes.

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Abstract Thinking

In this book Acharya Mahapragyaji has beautifully explained thoroughly throughout the book the Power of Manifestation and how to manifest. Nowadays, people manifest but they do not necessarily manifest it in the right way leading to disappointment. This book has been elaborately explaining the meaning of the way our mind works wonders.

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Body & Soul

Body & Soul

“Body and Soul” as authored by Acharya Mahapragya is a retelling of the dialogue between Kumarshraman Keshi and King Pardeshi, as recorded in the canonical text “Rayapaseniya”. An in brief outlook on the book is that the book is based on dialogue between a theist and an atheist, one is a believe of the soul and the other is a...

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I am the Maker of my Own Destiny

सारांश में यदि कहे तो हमारे अंदर वह सारी खुभियाँ छिपी होती हैं जो एक व्यक्ति को लगती है महानता को पाने के लिए। ज़रूरत है तो केवल स्वयं का अध्यन करने कि। हमारी शरीर कि शक्तियां अंधकर में उस द्वीप कि तरह हैं जो घने काले अँधेरे में उजाला कर सके बास ज़रूरत है तो उसके सही दिशा में...

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Jeev- Ajeev

It has been said that for someone to understand a subject in detail, a preface or a foresight into the basics or the fundamentals of that subject is necessary. The same holds true for Jain Philosophy as well and this book I believe provides a foreword to the fundamentals of the Jain Philosophy.

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Nutrition for Inner Personality

Nowadays one of the trending topics in today's world is mental health and inner personality this book written by Acharya Mahapragya ji is an excellent guide on achieving a great personality not only on the outside but also on the inside.

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