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Books by Acharya Shri Mahashraman

“Dasavaikalika”, one of the Jain Scriptures provides a detailed description of conduct for “artisitic living”. Acharya Mahashraman has extensively quoted from this great resource of wisdom and his interpretation of “Dasavaikalika”, coupled with his own prudent and astute observations in his sermons and writings, giving us an insight into the study of the Jain philosophy for beginning an era of introspection, self-evaluation and practicing a conscious “mindfulness” in every voluntary activity.

Book cover of The Path of Freedom from Sorrow

The Path of Freedom from Sorrow

Today’s generation has everything at their fingertips but fails to use that as a privilege instead they stress over little things and are persistently striving for achieving a goal they have set in their minds. After reaching the goal they set, they are not satisfied which ultimately leads to sorrow. This book teaches us to set goals accordingly and be...

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Book cover of Insight


The Book name itself gives the impression of what the Book is all about. This Book is the best example of how sometimes the words which if read gives spiritual meaning and no doubt the first owner is spiritual but the same can be used for Business Growth.

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Book cover of Let us Learn to Live

Let us Learn to Live

This Book is of around 72 pages and 12 Chapters. If you go by the name of the Book, You will take this book from the perspective of Spirituality but let me tell you that this Book is not only from the perspective of Spirituality but it is one of the good small book to upgrade yourself as stated below...

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